
The Jacarandas are out in Brisbane so the city is dotted with purple. I would have to say that these are my favourite trees.

Jacarandas at The University of Queensland

Here’s a poem I wrote about Jacarandas a couple of years ago:


September blooms of purple hues,
adorn the city street.
And in bright splendour praises Spring,
where limbs and feathers meet.

Amid soft purple hues I lay,
to rest my weary head.
In fantasies drifting away,
upon a sprinkled spread.

Copyright © October 2011 Norma Martiri


  1. Our Jacarandas bloom around May/June and this year was particularly spectacular… and amazingly I am still seeing a few (very few) blooms hanging around in November… I envy you just coming in to Jacaranda season… I have to wait a few more months!


  2. Oh I love both he poem and the photo! A perfect duo.
    And the photo makes me realise how spring and summer here are now a distant memory! We have so much winter to come its difficult to contemplate spring, but I guess all is being prepared underground! 😊 Xxhugsxx


      1. But its great you have the photography for now in place of the poetry. I have a feeling you will get back to poetry eventually, but the photography is clearly very fulfilling for you. It is creativity and that’s what matters for us I think, whatever form it takes.

        I have a friend who paints on the iPad with the brushes app and he went through a phase of letting go of poetry, which was his first creative love, altogether and just painted for about a year. And then suddenly the poems came flooding back. And after a while he realised he had written poems quite separate from the paintings, but which cried out to be put together and he is now in the process of putting together a small book of paintings accompanied by the poems! So we never know where these things will take us 😊 xx


        1. Thanks Christine. That’s great for your friend and encouraging. You’re right, you never know and photography is certainly fulfilling my creative side for now. Hugs xx 🙂


  3. Like the poem, Like the shot too, Norma. The curve in the road, the bench over at left edge, the cyclist – it all works together. Nice composition.


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